Artists In The Schools – Lasha Mowchun

Animation WorkshopsKaboomee_0-131




Artists in schools deadline is May 15th

ArtSmarts II Deadline is April 15th



Animated Learning leads students through an exploration of animation. Whether it’s stop motion animation, hand drawn animated flipbooks or light sealing the room and turning it into a camera obscura, filmmaking makes learning come to life!

Animated Learning uses concepts from the student’s curriculum and adapts them using animation or film related activities. Stop motion workshops will cover a variety of styles, including claymation, whiteboard animation, paper animation and pixelation. This program encourages communication with educators to establish learning goals, which will be promoted within the creative process. Imagine a stop motion project which depicts the explosion of the big bang using claymation, or the concept of evolution using hand drawn whiteboard animation. Stop motion courses can be taught using both digital and super 8 film. Stop motion animation can be done using almost any material, on any theme making it adaptable to students learning.New Project 7_0-88

My program focusses on stop motion animation but can also include complimentary activities like hand built pinhole cameras, and hand drawn animations such as flipbooks to increase students depth of understanding.Workshops can be customized depending on the schools requirements.

Camera Building

In the age of the smart phone kids love to take pictures, but they don’t understand how cameras work. Through building pinhole cameras out of pop cans or light sealing the room turning the room into a camera obscura students learn to use the science of optics to understand simple mechanics which are involved in creating a picture.

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Pinhole Camera Instructions                        Camera Obscura


Hand Drawn Animation

Using flipbooks, thaumatropes and scratch animation students can explore how animation works in a tactile way unmediated  by the computer screen.


flipbook                                                         thaumatrope


About the Artist


I have taught extensively in the Artists in the Schools program at schools in Winnipeg and throughout Manitoba. I developed extended arts programs with Ralph Brown and St. John’s high School with the generous support of ArtSmarts II grants. I have taught a range of animation programs on themes including healthy eating, traditional aboriginal spirituality and literacy. I have lots of experience working with students of all ages, from a broad variety of backgrounds. My teaching style encourages experimentation and has an emphasis on  strengthening self confidence.

My personal art practice focuses itself in the medium of film and new media on themes of community, identity and family. My work has been shown locally as well as internationally in the United States and Europe.

Please contact me and we can customize an animation program to suit your group’s learning goals and artistic interests. 


Manitoba Arts Council Funding                                                             

Through the Manitoba Arts Council schools are able to apply for the Artists in the Schools Program which subsidizes two thirds of the cost of bringing an artist into the school to teach a workshop.

To view my profile in the artist in the schools directory go to:

The ArtSmarts II program offers schools grants of up to $5000 paying the complete cost including materials, professional development for teachers and of course having an artist develop a unique art program for the school.

for more info go to


Contact Me:

(204) 996-7493

Bugs and My Head_407-528

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